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WebJars and Thymeleaf Integration for Development

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

Efficiency in Development using WebJars and Thymeleaf

Arteco Consulting, a leading provider of customized development solutions, stands out for the efficiency of two critical components in its programming ecosystem: WebJars and Thymeleaf. Both components are crucial in managing client-side dependencies in their Maven POM and providing a templating mechanism that seamlessly integrates with Spring Boot.

Introduction to WebJars and Thymeleaf

WebJars, created in 2012 by James Ward, addresses the exact requirements that arise in application development. This component is essential for managing client-side web libraries packaged in JAR (Java Archive) files. WebJars allows for easy and explicit management of client-side dependencies in JVM-based web applications. It handles downloading client-side dependencies using JVM-based build tools like Maven. WebJars also takes care of resolving and automatically loading transitive dependencies.

On the other hand, we have Thymeleaf, a server-side template engine technology. Thymeleaf is a modern templating engine for web and standalone environments. Its main goal is to bring elegant and natural templates to the development workflow. Thymeleaf is ideal for JVM web development, although it can do much more.

Using WebJars

To add a WebJar to a project's dependencies, you simply add the corresponding XML. Spring Boot, for example, exposes it through the WebMvcAutoConfiguration class. Inside the JAR, you can access the assets via their respective path and name. The agreed structure is to store the assets inside resources/webjars/.

Additionally, the WebJars Locator project provides a version-less path, meaning that if you change a dependency version in the POM, you don’t need to change the front-end path.

Thymeleaf Integration

Thymeleaf offers a modern mechanism for server-side HTML templating. It allows viewing results in a static design-time environment and in a server environment during development. Moreover, you can seamlessly switch between the two using the same file.

One of the most common examples of how Thymeleaf is used in software coding is embedding server-side data into JavaScript scripts. Thymeleaf offers the th:inline="javascript" attribute in the script tag, allowing server-side data to be passed as JavaScript variables.


At Arteco Consulting SL, we ensure that we use all the necessary technologies and approaches to deliver high-quality customized development solutions. By using WebJars to manage client-side dependencies in Maven POM and Thymeleaf to provide an efficient templating mechanism integrated with Spring Boot, we guarantee that our clients always receive the best development solutions.

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