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Optimization of High Availability Systems

Arteco - Information Technologies
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foto Ramón Arnau

Ramón Arnau

Gerente de Arteco Consulting SL

Performance Optimization with Spring Boot and Hazelcast, Improving Response Times and Operational Efficiency in Tourism Application

Project Information

Project Name: Tourism Application and Hazelcast Cluster Optimization

Industry/Sector: Tourism

Challenge: A prominent company in the tourism sector, with a wide range of hotel products, faced significant performance challenges in its Java application developed with Spring Boot and the management of a Hazelcast cluster. The issues included significant bottlenecks affecting response times, availability, and memory consumption of both the application and each node of the cluster. This negatively impacted user experience and the company's competitiveness.

Implemented Solution

General Description: Arteco Consulting SL intervened to diagnose and resolve the performance issues of the application and the Hazelcast cluster. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to identify bottlenecks, and improvements were made in application optimization, memory management, and distributed computing processes. Additionally, load balancing between cluster nodes was improved to maximize operational efficiency.

Technologies Used: The solution relied on optimizing the Java application with Spring Boot and advanced management of the Hazelcast cluster. Advanced programming techniques were applied to enhance performance, including code optimization, efficient memory management, and improved distributed computing algorithms. Hazelcast configurations were also reviewed and adjusted to optimize load balancing and task distribution.

Key Features: Among the implemented improvements, notable enhancements include the optimization of distributed computing processes for pre-calculating different combinations of destinations, people, and dates, resulting in a significant improvement in response times for price and availability calculations. Memory usage was also optimized, and system availability and scalability were improved through more effective load balancing between cluster nodes.

Results: The optimization led to a drastic improvement in response times, availability, and memory consumption of both the application and the Hazelcast cluster. This not only enhanced the end-user experience but also increased the tourism company's ability to handle a higher volume of queries and transactions efficiently, strengthening its competitive position in the market.


This project demonstrates the technical capability of Arteco Consulting SL to address and resolve complex performance challenges in critical systems. Through a combination of detailed analysis, technical expertise, and specialized knowledge in cutting-edge technologies, the project not only met the client's needs but also exceeded their expectations, highlighting the value that Arteco brings to its collaborators in the tourism sector.

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